Thank You for recognizing and referring a child who has experienced a devastating situation and is in need of Emotional Stability and/or Long-Term Functional solutions that will increase their quality of life. Please understand that Submitting an Application DOES NOT ensure you will be selected. We receive many more applications than we can provide services for. You will be contacted by phone within 7 days of your submission if you meet the following 5 MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS:
1. You Must OWN YOUR HOME – for legal liability, we cannot do modifications or renovations
on rental properties, even with the consent of the property owner.
2 Child Must be a LEGAL RESIDENT of the United States
3. You Must have LEGAL GUARDIANSHIP OF THE CHILD being Referred
4 Child Must be UNDER 18 years old; (adults over 18 who have a much younger mind cannot be considered)
5. Family must give KDM permission to share the child’s story publicly, to whatever degree they feel comfortable, for purposes of Marketing & showing Stewardship of donations.